PRODIGY in a nutshell
The principal interest of the project is to understand whether a higher diversity within systems spanning from soil health to economic and social aspects enhances their resilience in the Western Amazon Basin. The project aims to describe the complex interdependencies by revealing the respective tipping points of the system-immanent functions. Jointly with local stakeholders, PRODIGY will contribute to the development of sustainable options for future decisions, which avoid the crossing of system relevant tipping points and safeguard livelihoods in a (climatic) transforming world.
Impressions of the Southwestern Amazon

Here you find our lastest publications
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Into the Amazon: Collaborative Soil Science

Collaboration of EMBRAPA and RPTU in the PRODIGY framework
Pesquisa investiga impactos dos usos da terra na Amazônia

Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon – A Threat to Human Security
Joint PRODIGY 2.0 Postgrad course
– 4th Edition –