Prof. Dr. Rü
diger Schaldach
Scientist (Environmental informatics, Environmental Systems Science)
Head of GRID research group at CESR
+49 (0)561 804-31475
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR)
University of Kassel
Wilhelmshoeher Allee 47
34117 Kassel, Germany
- Researchgate
Research Focus
- Land-use science
- Integrated Modelling
- Spatial data analysis
Research Regions
- South America (MAP region)
- European Union, Germany
- Global studies
Curriculum vitae
- 2009 University of Kassel
Habilitation, Venia legendi in “Umweltsystemtechnik / Umweltsystemanalyse“. - 2004 University of Kassel
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering / Informatics - 1994 – 2000 Technical University of Braunschweig
Diploma in Geoecology - 1991 – 1994 DHBW Karlsruhe
Diploma in Technical Informatics
Professional background
- Since 04/2016 CESR, University of Kassel
Person in charge for administrative management - 2016 University of Kassel
Appointment as Apl. Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. - 09/2008 – 10/2008 IFPRI, Washington D.C., USA
Research stay at the ”International Food Policy Research Institute“ (IFPRI) - Since 10/2000 CESR, University of Kassel
Scientist - 07/2000 – 09/2000 Engineering office “Heidt & Peters”, Celle, Germany
Consultant in Geoinformatics