Axel Prestes Dürrnagel
Postdoc researcher
Research Group Human Geography
Institute for Environmental Science (iES)
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)

Homepage: Researchgate
Research focus
- Human-environment interactions, land and resource use conflicts, socio-spatial displacement, community-based governance and conservation
- Life-world phenomenology and political ecology
- Qualitative ethnographic and participatory methods
Research Regions
- South America (especially MAP region and Brazil)
- Southern Africa (especially Mozambique)
- South Germany
Curriculum vitae
- Since 02.2024: Postdoctoral researcher, Research Group Human Geography, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 04.2019 – 02.2024: Doctoral candidate, Chair of Social and Population Geography, University of Bayreuth,
- 09.2017 – 04.2019: Tour guide for study trips and excursions to Australia and Portugal, Studiosus Reisen München, GmbH
- 04.2017 – 08.2017: Project Assistant for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, adelphi research GmbH
- 10.2013 – 10.2016: Master of Arts in Latin American Studies, University of Hamburg
- 03.2015 – 03.2016: Academic exchange and research stay at the Institute of Urban and Regional Research and Planning, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 10.2008 – 06.2011: Bachelor of Science in Human Geography, University of Würzburg
- 08.2010 – 06.2011: Academic exchange at the Department of Geography, University of Guadalajara, Mexico