
Visiting Radio Educadora “6 de Agosto”, Xapurí (Acre, Brazil)


As part of the Prodigy 2021/22 course and within the program of our module about science communication, we had the opportunity to be at Radio Educadora 6 de Agosto. This radio is in Xapuri, Acre, in one of the regions where we are doing research and where we know people who are participating in the current course. During the program, we talked about the importance of research that is in dialogue with the population of the locality where the research is carried out. We also realized even more how important it is to listen to local people who know very well what research is needed and can give us a guide so that together we can build knowledge from different disciplines and realities.

Thanks to Anselmo Silva, professor in the IFAC and Rhogério Barros, a young leader who lives in the Extractivist Reserve Chico Mendes, who participated with us in the program, and to Joseni Oliveira, the radio host who received us with great kindness.

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